Adventists & Military Service
The Seventh-day Adventist Church’s National Service Organization aides Adventist youth in successfully understanding and dealing with issues related to the military. The NSO, operated by Adventist Chaplaincy Ministries, also provides spiritual support and information for anyone who is anticipating or actively serving in the military.
Adventists in the Military: Adventists who may soon be, or are currently active in the military, may have questions about the military and issues surrounding Sabbath Observance and the bearing of arms. ACM provides support to those looking for information on these topics.
Selective Service: Regulations in the United States require males between the ages of 18 – 25 to register with the Selective Service. Even though there is currently no draft, basic information is required which is not related to one’s concern for religious accommodations or other concerns about the military. These issues can only be addressed if and when a draft is started.
Immigrants: The NSO advises Adventist immigrants to the United States who are requesting citizenship and have conscientious convictions about bearing arms to consider the Immigrants’ Alternate Oath for U.S. Citizenship.
Servicemember Kits: Packages are available for individuals going into active duty military service. Pastors are encouraged to obtain these as necessary from their local conference Youth/NSO Department office. The packages are subsidized by the North American Division, the Union, and the local conference, resulting in a low cost for the local church to obtain these packages. It is recommended these packages be presented during the church service accompanied by a prayer for faithfulness and safety of the individual. This serves as a reminder that the church members will also keep the individual in prayer. The package includes a Bible, study guides, a devotional, and information on how the individual can request free Adventist literature.
For more information on these services and the National Service Organization, please visit the Adventist Chaplaincy website.