Hazel Marie Gordon Obituary
Hazel Marie Gordon, wife of former Southern Union president, Malcolm Gordon, passed October 8, 2017 in Paramus, New Jersey. She and her husband served the Southern Union from 1990 to 2003.
Hazel was born in Allegan, Michigan. During her youth she wanted to be a pastor’s wife. This wish came true when she married Malcolm Gordon in 1954. She and her husband graduated from Emmanuel Missionary College (now Andrews University), and began their ministry in the Michigan Conference. Their pastoral and departmental ministry would take them to the Michigan, Dakota, and Southern New England conferences. They then served as president and first lady of the Carolina and Florida conferences; and finally the Southern Union, where they served for 13 years.
After retirement they settled in Apopka, Florida, but later moved to New Jersey.
Survivors include two daughters, Merrilee (George) Miller and Melody Oster; three grandchildren; one brother, John Groves; and one sister, Betty Jean Amelang.
The Memorial Service was on Sabbath, October 28, 2017, at 3 p.m. at Gobles SDA Church, 32146 Sixth Ave., Gobles, MI 49055.