Southern Union Reelects President, All Officers, and Directors
The Southern Union Constituents reelected all of its officers at the 19th Quinquennial Constituency Session on September 18-19, 2016. The officers left to right are: Marlene Colburn; Dave Colburn, undertreasurer-elect; Jim Davidson, executive secretary; Bonnie Davidson; Yolanda Smith; Dr. Ron Smith, president; Randy Robinson, treasurer; Denise Robinson; Esther Salazar; Carlos Salazar, association treasurer; Dennis Millburn, undertreasurer; and Bobbie Millburn.
The Southern Union constituency reelected Dr. Ron C. Smith, D.Min., Ph.D., as president at its Quinquennial Constituency Session on Sunday, September 18, 2016. Smith came to the Southern Union in 2007 as executive secretary and was elected president in September of 2011.
In response to his reelection Dr. Smith said, “I’m feeling most honored to have received your affirmation through your reelection of me as your president for a new term. Thank you for your partnership during this past quinquennium in reaching new benchmarks in ministry to our territory. With God’s help, we will drill deeper and reach higher in our quest to introduce more and more people to Jesus. We will purpose to reach popular culture through hope and wholeness.”
The Session, chaired by Elder Daniel R. Jackson, NAD President, also reelected Jim Davidson as executive secretary; Randy Robinson, treasurer; Carlos Salazar, association treasurer; and Dennis Millburn, undertreasurer. Because Millburn plans to retire, Dave Colburn was made undertreasurer-elect, a designation he will hold until Millburn retires. All departmental directors were returned to their positions.
You may view the brief 11-minute President’s Report at:
The entire quinquennial report is in the September Southern Tidings, and may be downloaded here.